Embracing my Shadow, Dancing my Light
March 5, 2020 - March 19, 2020
Elle-je’ Freeheart is a prolific sculptor, artiste, writer, and artistic authority of emotional portraiture. Her figurative sculptures reflect a love of altered realism with an ominous presence where the “unattractive” are beautiful, and shadows move into light. Her figures appear as if they were found in deep, dark, deserted places, unseen and forgotten by human eyes. Using the female form as a record and witness of life, her sculptural work becomes narrative. The women are layered with evidence of experiences, thoughts, patterns, emotions and history. The inherent spirit of the feminine embraces shadow and dances with light, coiling and recoiling through life’s expression.
“Blessed are the weird people– poets, misfits, writers, mystics, painters, troubadours– for they teach us to see the world through different eyes.”